Uploads a new document or creates a new version of an existing document in byte array format to the specified path - - UploadDocumentWithHandler2 - Alternate to original


Visual Basic (declaration)
Public Function UploadDocumentWithHandler2( _ 
ByVal AuthenticationTicket as String, _ ByVal Path as String, _ ByVal UploadHandler as String, _ ByVal VersionComments as String, _ ByVal MPVersionMajor as short, _ ByVal MPVersionMinor as short, _ ByVal MPVersionRevision as short) as XmlNode

C# (declaration)
public XmlNode UploadDocumentWithHandler2( 
string AuthenticationTicket, string Path, string UploadHandler, string VersionComments, short MPVersionMajor, short MPVersionMinor, short MPVersionRevision)


    string inforouter ticket
    string An infoRouter document path that to be created or updated
    string The upload handler
    string The comments of the author for the uploaded document.
    short New Major Version number
    short New Minor Version number
    short New Revision number

Return Value

returns xml fragment.
<response success="true" error="">
if success = "true", the document has been uploaded.
if success = "false", the error attribute returns the error description.


The file must be uploaded before calling this method.
The caller must have at least "Add" permissions on the folder.
If the specified path does not exist, the path will be created.
If a document with the same name already exists in the same path, a new version of the existing document will be created.
The specified version number must be greater than the old one.