Adds a field to the specified custom propertset definition


Visual Basic (declaration)
Public Function AddPropertySetField( _ 
ByVal AuthenticationTicket as String, _ ByVal PropertySetName as String, _ ByVal FieldName as String, _ ByVal FieldCaption as String, _ ByVal FieldType as String, _ ByVal FieldLength as Integer, _ ByVal isRequired as bool, _ ByVal ControlSize as Integer, _ ByVal ControlOrder as Integer, _ ByVal ControlType as Integer) as XmlNode

C# (declaration)
public XmlNode AddPropertySetField( 
string AuthenticationTicket, string PropertySetName, string FieldName, string FieldCaption, string FieldType, int FieldLength, bool isRequired, int ControlSize, int ControlOrder, int ControlType)


    string The name of the propertyset
    string The name of the propertyset
    string The name of the custom property field. This name will be a field name in the database.
    string The caption of the field that will be displayed to the users.
    string The available field types are CHAR, NUMBER, DATE, BOOLEAN
    int For the CHAR type fields, a number between 1 to 255. This information will be ignored for other field types.
    bool is this field Required or not, TRUE, FALSE field.
    int For the CHAR and NUMBER type fields and if the ControlType is TEXTBOX, a number between 1 to 255. This information will be ignored for other field types.
    int The display order of the control when the property set is displayed as a form.
    int 'Text box', 'Combo box', 'List box', 'Radio Button', 'Check Box', 'LOOKUP' are the options.

Return Value

returns xml fragment.
<response success="true" error="">
if success attribute is "true", the field has been added to the property set.
if success attribute is "false", the error attribute indicates the encountered error.


The caller must be the system administrator.
The rules of the naming is restricted to the general database field naming rules. An error might return from database engine.