infoRouter updates are regularly released throughout the year. If you wish to install the latest version of infoRouter, please run the infoRouter Live Update program. More information on infoRouter Live Update, can be found here.
If you have any questions, please contact the infoRouter Support Team at
Before you run infoRouter Live Update, please make sure to follow the Live Update documentation. A proper backup is strongly advised before running Live Update. Click here to download the infoRouter Backup, Restore and Disaster Recovery Guide.
Software release date
- Documents may now have published and unpublished versions.
- Published version may not be latest version. Published Version can be 'Latest Version','Specific version', 'Tagged Version (specific tag)', 'Last Approved Version' (Upon upgrade to this version, the latest version rule will be applied.)
- Published version has been added as an optional column to the documents list window.
- Document properties like, modification date, last publisher, document size will now reflect the respective values for the published version.
- Version information now includes publish date in addition to the creation date.
- A new field called register date (upload date) has been added in addition to creation date and modification date.
- ISO/Periodic schedules now may include 'deadline' and 'priority' information.
- Document owner can now be chosen as the assignee in tasks and workflows.
- Tasks have new requirements; 'read last version', 'read published version' (Upon upgrade to this new version 'Read latest version' will be assumed)
- Task notice is now optional. Notification email option can be checked or unchecked in the task definition screen.
- Expiration date has been added for documents. A specified user may be notified before the expiration. Users can search for documents by expiration date.
- New libary policies implemented for anonymous and read-only users. Unaprroved, expired, unpublished and incomplete document may be hidden from anonymous and read-only users.
- DSN Names and Lookup fields are now encrypted. Administrators can update the password fields in text. Such (text) passwords are encrypted at first access.
- Users can now search folders by folder id. Web service usage is 'FOLDERBYID'. ~F<folderid> or F<folderid> notations are also accepted in FOLDERBYID field
- ~D<docid> or D<docid> notation accepted in DOCUMENTID field.
- 'Display Add-ins' has been added to the general application settings.
- 'Verify Checksum' functionality has been added to document properties and versions screens.
- New Web services has been implemented for uploads. UploadDocumentWithHandler3, UploadDocument4 web services implemented. These methods accept an xml string that includes the following parameters. (VERSIONCOMMENT, CHECKOUT, MPVERSIONMAJOR, MPVERSIONMINOR, MPVERSIONREVISION, PUBLISHOPTION)
- 'Add comment' menu has been added to the main menu.
- 'Security' menu has been added to the main menu.
- Custom menu items can now be added to the all menus.
- When using WEBDAV , infoRouter does not send update notices until the office program releases the lock.
- Documents that appear in BOLD will mean that the published version has not been read (no longer the latest version)
- Export Screen UI changed.
- Import Screen changed.
- Compact Function parameters and rules changed based on publishing rules.
- Better handling in email headers while displaying emails (char(10) encoding)
- Email Templates have been modified.
- Date time stamps are now formated in the following mask hh:mm:ss (server-side text logs)
- Property Set values cannot be applied multiple times with the same values.
- Various cosmetic changes to the user interface.
Bug fixes
- Major Version cannot be greater than 2146
- Downgrade Date and Declassify dates will be updated, when related task is created.
- Uploading an email file (.EML) with multiple attachments with the same name, raise an error.
- Transferring folder subscriptions raises an error
- Opening a document from document properties may return a 'Bad request' error if the document's encoded URL length exceeds 260 characters.
- 'Send to' feature raises an incorrect error message if an invalid email address has been specified.
- 'Unzip error' may occur while importing a library from 'Online Sample Libraries'
- Document list may refresh in the wrong sort order.
- Tasks screen may return a 'object null' exception if the user session times out.
- SQL Errors may be raised when searching from custom property set values and a specific sort order is used.
- 'Illegal characters in path' exception may occur when certain characters are used in documents names (: | ? ) for HTML Form Templates and HTML documents.
- Statistics have been removed the library list. A separate link for statistics has been added as a menu item
- Archive/Un-archive library link has been removed from the library definition window. It has been added as a separate menu item.
- Searching by 'datetime' fields may return incorrect results if time has been specified.
- WEBDAV upload/copy from desktop does not work in 8.1.X
- Clicking on a deleted task returns a page without an error message.
- "Recent documents", "Folder and Document selection windows" may display wrong data if Oracle is used.
- A folder that has not been customized (columns, sort order etc.) may under certain circumstances revert back to its original state even after customization.
- Uploading an EML (email) file may return an error if the email has an inline attachment without a mime name.
- If a task has been rejected, the task status appears as "Completed / font color=red>rejected"
- Broken help links in various help screens
- Updating keywords may return errors if the keywords are not unique
- Workflow submitters may receive two "Task Completed" email notifications.
- When adding a step to a workflow the cursor does not appear in the Step name box by default.