If for any reason, you wish to move the infoRouter warehouse to another location on your network, please follow the instructions below in the order in which they are explained. It is critical that you pay close attention to the details. You must read this document in full before attempting the migration. Sections explained towards the end of this guide may determine or change your plans.



You must prevent users from accessing the infoRouter application while the warehouse migration is in progress. To stop all access to infoRouter application, please stop the IIS Server.

To do this, perform the following:

  • Click on the Start Button
  • Select the RUN menu item.
  • Enter the following command:
    iisreset /stop


Perform a complete backup of your warehouse(s). Please make sure that you have a complete backup set of all warehouse folders.

This is required to quickly recover from any copy or move operation that might fail.


Moving The Warehouse On To Another Location On The Same Server:

Simply copy/paste or cut/paste the section of the warehouse or the entire warehouse to its new location on the server.

You may choose to do this if the warehouse was originally on the “C” drive and you wish to move it to the “D” or “E” drive on the same server.

Important Step:

You must make sure that a windows account called “NETWORK SERVICE” has “FULL CONTROL” privileges on the new warehouse location.

Once the move operation is complete, you must inform infoRouter of the new location of the warehouse. To find out how, skip to step 4 of this document.

Moving the warehouse on to another server:

Simply copy/paste or cut/paste the section of the warehouse or the entire warehouse to its new location on a remote server such as a file server, on your network.

Important Step:

If you have moved the warehouse to another server on your network, you must use a domain account to access this warehouse. Because the “Network Service” account on the infoRouter server will have no privileges on the remote server, a domain account is needed for infoRouter to access this new warehouse location.

The domain account selected for this purpose needs to be assigned “Full Control” privileges on the new warehouse location.

The domain account selected for this task must be registered with infoRouter by editing the web.config file located in the <applicationpath>/site directory.

The section labeled <identity impersonate=…> must be edited so that it looks like the following:

    <requiredRuntime version="v2.0.50727" safemode="true" />
    <supportedRuntime version="v2.0.50727" />
    <identity impersonate="true" userName="some_domain_account" password="domain_account_password" />
    <httpRuntime maxRequestLength="75000" executionTimeout="7200" /><customErrors mode="Off" />
<compilation debug="true" explicit="true" strict="true" defaultLanguage="vb">

Please note that the “impersonate” property is set to “TRUE” and a domain account user name and password is specified. infoRouter will use this information when attempting to access the warehouse which is now located on a different server.


Once the move operation is complete, you must tell infoRouter about the new location of the warehouse. To do this, perform the following:

Edit the file called warehousepaths.xml located in the <applicationpath>\config directory.

This file will look like the following when opened:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
     - <warehouses>
   <item whno="00" path="C:\InfoRouter\WH" />
   <item whno="01" path="C:\InfoRouter\WH" />
   <item whno="02" path="C:\InfoRouter\WH" />
   <item whno="03" path="C:\InfoRouter\WH" />
   <item whno="04" path="C:\InfoRouter\WH" />
   <item whno="05" path="C:\InfoRouter\WH" /> 
   <item whno="06" path="C:\InfoRouter\WH" /> 
   <item whno="07" path="C:\InfoRouter\WH" /> 
   <item whno="08" path="C:\InfoRouter\WH" /> 
   <item whno="09" path="C:\InfoRouter\WH" />
   <item whno="10" path="C:\InfoRouter\WH" /> 
   <item whno="11" path="C:\InfoRouter\WH" /> 
   <item whno="12" path="C:\InfoRouter\WH" />
   <item whno="13" path="C:\InfoRouter\WH" /> 
   <item whno="14" path="C:\InfoRouter\WH" /> 		 

This file must be changed to reflect the new location of the warehouse. This is where infoRouter gets its information about warehouse locations at each infoRouter application start-up.

If you moved the warehouse location to [for example] the “E” drive, you may have to make a global change to the warehousepaths.xml file so that each warehouse path is changed to read “E\WH”

If you moved the warehouse to another server or a network attached storage array, you must use UNC path notation in the warehousepath.xml file. Here is how it needs to look:

UNC path such as //<Server Name> /<sharename>


//server_name/WH where “server_name” is the name of the server and WH is the name of the share.

Your warehousepaths.xml should look something like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>  
     - <warehouses> 
  <item whno="00" path="//server_name/WH" />  
   <item whno="01" path="//server_name/WH" /> 
   <item whno="02" path="//server_name/WH" /> 

UPDATE THE INDEX SERVER CATALOG (Applies to Windows 2008 and earlier)

Now that the warehouse is located elsewhere, the MS Index Server needs to know their current location. To do this, please follow the instructions in the document named Creating_Index_Server_Catalog.pdf , which can be found on our support page.


Now that you have performed all the steps, start the IIS Server by issuing the following command:

IISRESET /Start from the command line interface.


Finally, to verify a successful migration, launch your browser and type in the URL for infoRouter.

Verify the following:

  • The application appears to be in working condition.
  • You are able to download existing documents
  • You are able to download existing documents
  • You are able to upload and create new documents

Congratulations, you have successfully migrated the infoRouter warehouse.