infoRouter Manual Website / Virtual Directory Creation

inforouter manual website virtual directory creation
inforouter manual website virtual directory creation

Web Site Creation Wizard will appear.

inforouter manual website virtual directory creation

Type “infoRouter” for the “Web Site description”

inforouter manual website virtual directory creation
inforouter manual website virtual directory creation

Specify the infoRouter application publishing directory.

Leave “Allow Anonymous access“ as checked.

Note: The Default installation value is “c:\inforouter\site”

inforouter manual website virtual directory creation

Check the “Read”, “Run scripts” and “Execute” options

inforouter manual website virtual directory creation
inforouter manual website virtual directory creation
inforouter manual website virtual directory creation
inforouter manual website virtual directory creation
inforouter manual website virtual directory creation



inforouter manual website virtual directory creation
inforouter manual website virtual directory creation
inforouter manual website virtual directory creation
inforouter manual website virtual directory creation

If you implemented a “header value“

You can navigate to inforouter by typing “http://<headervalue>/”

Example: http://IRSRV/ (Proper DNS entries must have been implemented)

inforouter manual website virtual directory creation

If you used a port number “You can navigate inforouter by typing


Example: http://gonzales:83/

inforouter manual website virtual directory creation
inforouter manual website virtual directory creation

Open the file called “web.config” using notepad.

This file can be found under the infoRouter/Site directory

Find the “APPLICATIONURL” setting and set the value to the URL string you chose.

Example : “http://gonzales:83/” Or “http://IRSRV”

Save the “web.config” file.

inforouter manual website virtual directory creation