infoRouter Version 8.x Web.Config Settings

infoRouter uses the web.config file to read the system settings or preferences. It is critical that you understand the implications of making changes to this file.

Note: You must remember that making changes to this document will automatically re-start the infoRouter application.

Here is a typical web.config file:

<add key="ApplicationPath" value="" />
<add key="ProfileExpirationTime" value="20" />
<add key="TrustedLDAPAccount" value="" />
<add key="SysadminCheckAccount" value="" />
<add key="NTDOMAIN1" value="http://ntdom1srv:76/irauthenticationsrv.asmx" />
<add key="NTDOMAIN2" value="http://ntdom2srv:77/irauthenticationsrv.asmx" />
<add key="CONVERSIONSERVICE_PDF" value="http://server/wspdffunctions/service.asmx" />
<add key="IRDOTNET.irsupportservice.srv" value="" />
<add key="IRDOTNET.UpdateServices.catalog" value="" />
<add key="TEMPDIR" value="" />
<add key="APPLICATIONURL" value="http://acmesrv/infoRouter" />
<add key="INDEXSRV" value="TRUE" />
<add key="INDEXCATALOG" value="WHINDEX" />
<add key="SystemEmailAddress" value=" " />
<add key="smtpserver" value="localhost" />
<add key="smtpserverport" value="25" />
<add key="smtpconnectiontimeout" value="10" />
<add key="smtpsendusername" value="" />
<add key="smtpsendpassword" value="" />
<add key="smtpSSL" value="true" />
<add key="MaximumDisplayFolderCount" value="500" />
<add key="CheckSecurityOnSearch" value="TRUE" />

<httpRuntime maxRequestLength="75000" executionTimeout="7200" />

The following section will attempt to explain in detail what each section of this file means and how it affects the operation of infoRouter.


Sets the infoRouter application path. We do not recommend that you leave this field blank.

< add key="ApplicationPath" value="c:\infoRouter" />

Important Note:The infoRouter IIS Account and “NETWORK SERVICE” account must have “FULL CONTROL” rights to the entire application path (above) including its sub directories.


Sets the profile expiration time in minutes. The profile file keeps user specific information such as the last folder, last search query of the user. If no user activity is detected during this time, the infoRouter garbage collector deletes the profile file. A new profile is created for the user if the user becomes active again.

<add key="ProfileExpirationTime" value="20" />value is in minutes			


Web services impersonation account. If you have a reason to write external programs to access the infoRouter web services API, this account allows you to get authentication tickets on behalf of other users.

< add key="TrustedLDAPAccount" value="trustedacc1@ntdom1" />

NOTE: Requires infoRouter Authentication web service for the specified user’s domain


If set, this value allows you to authenticate the SYSADMIN via LDAP instead of the built-infoRouter security authentication. You may change this setting to specify an account if you forget the Sysadmin account password and cannot recover it.

<add key="SysadminCheckAccount" value="administrator@ntdom1" />

NOTE: Requires infoRouter LDAP Authentication web service for the specified user’s domain.

Another option is to set a temporary password: (This applies to pre 8.5 versions of infoRouter.)

<add key="SysadminCheckAccount" value="password:pass"/>

For infoRouter Version 8.5 and above use this setting to set a temporary sysadmin password.

<add key="SysadminTempPassword" value="xpass" />

This will allow you to set the sysadmin password temporarily to “pass”. Once you do this, you may log into the sysadmin account and change you password to something you remember. Do not forget the remove this line or set the value back to null (see below).

<add key="SysadminCheckAccount" value=""/>	


InfoRouter can authenticate users using external sources like NT Domains. Type external authentication authority names separated by commas.

<add key="NTDOMAIN1" value="http://ntdom1srv:76/irauthenticationsrv.asmx" />
<add key="NTDOMAIN2" value="http://ntdom2srv:77/irauthenticationsrv.asmx" />

The two lines that follow the authentication sources must point to LDAP Authentication Web Service instance.


infoRouter PDF conversion service URL. This web service allows conversion of HTML and Text documents to PDF. The web service must be installed and configured before this setting takes effect.

<add key="CONVERSIONSERVICE_PDF" value="http://cvsrv/wspdffunctions/service.asmx" /%gt;

NOTE: Form to PDF conversions and TIFF to PDF functionality does not depend on this service


infoRouter temporary file and folder setting. If left blank infoRouter will assume that the temp directory is <application path > \temp. Make sure to create this directory at the root of the disk drive or directly under the application path.

<add key="TEMPDIR" value="d:\temp" />


The application URL. All infoRouter users must have access to this URL. Do not use “localhost”. If this setting is not set properly, the application will not function correctly.

< add key="APPLICATIONURL" value="http://acmedocsrv/infoRouter" />


Enable/disable flag for the indexing engine. We do not recommend setting this value to “FALSE”.

<add key="INDEXSRV" value="TRUE"  />


Catalog name of the infoRouter content index catalog.

<add key="INDEXCATALOG" value="WHINDEX" />


The email address specified here will be used to send out infoRouter notifications. This does not have to be a valid (existing) e-mail account. It is simply a label that will appear in the “From” section of email notifications..

<add key="SystemEmailAddress" value=" " />

SMTP Settings

The following settings are used to connect to an SMTP Server to send out infoRouter notification emails.

<add key="smtpserver" value="" />
<add key="smtpserverport" value="25" />
<add key="smtpconnectiontimeout" value="10" /> value is in seconds
<add key="smtpsendusername" value="infoRouter" />
<add key="smtpsendpassword" value="xyza384" />
<add key="smtpSSL" value="true" /> Set value to “true” for secure SMTP

Note: Please review the SMTP Server configuration document for further details on this topic. 
For more information on SMTP, visit infoRouter SMTP Configuration


This setting determines how many folders will be displayed before a folder is marked “un-navigatable”.

<add key="MaximumDisplayFolderCount" value="500" />


Every document returned by the infoRouter search engine is filtered by access permissions.

Example: If you query the system, looking for every document, which contains the word “apple” in the text, infoRouter will only return those documents that contain the word “apple” in the text but the user must have at least “Read” permissions to that document before it is presented.

The default value of this setting is “TRUE” meaning that the security check will be performed. If set to “False” no security check will be performed on search results. All documents that match the original search query will be returned. If the user clicks on a document to which the user does not have at least “Read” permissions, the document will not be opened.

< add key="CheckSecurityOnSearch" value="TRUE" />

Impersonation Account

The impersonation account parameter is needed when the warehouse is located on a remote server. The infoRouter application needs “Full Control” to the warehouse resource so you must use a domain account and assign this user “Full Control” privileges to the warehouse path.

If your warehouse is remote, change this line

<identity impersonate="false" userName="" password="" />			

To this

<identity impersonate="true" userName="<DomainName>\<Username>" password="<password>" />		

Important Note: The domain account chosen for impersonation should be added to the “Users” user group for the local machine (IIS Machine)

If you decide to use an impersonation account, you must make sure to set permissions for this account. Please refer to this page for permissions:

Implementation Guide - Impersonation Account Permissions