This error occurs when the infoRouter web application cannot access the application path. The application path includes portal definitions, logs, resources and configuration data.
Correct Installation
The infoRouter application path includes the folders below:
Make sure you setup infoRouter correctly. The file includes all the files and folders.Make sure that the above folders exist in the application directory.
Clustered or Multiple Instance Cases
Check the application path parameter in the web.config file located in the publishing folder (site).
<appSettings> ... <add key="ApplicationPath" value="\\servername\sharename" /> ... </appSettings>
Make sure this parameter points to the correct path or share.
Make sure that the ASPNET, NETWORK SERVICE or Impersonated account can access this path and has Full Control to this path.
To define a shared network location for the application path use UNC paths, not a mapped drive as mapped drives are profile based.
For remote application paths, you must either use a domain account or make sure that the ASPNET account on both servers have the same password.
To impersonate a different user:
<system.web> ... <identity impersonate="true" userName="domainname\username" password="pass"/> ... </system.web>
Possible Access Rights Restrictions:
On Windows 2000 or XP machines (IIS 5, IIS 5.1)
The ASPNET account user must have Full Control rights to the application path and including folders and files.
On Windows 2003 (IIS 6)
The Network Service account user must have Full Control rights to the application path and including folders and files.
Any restricted rights will result in infoRouter not being able to access configuration files, writing logs or creating or designing portals etc.