Returns the list of sub folders and document propeperies in the specified path.


Visual Basic (declaration)
Public Function GetFoldersAndDocuments( _ 
ByVal AuthenticationTicket as String, _ ByVal Path as String, _ ByVal withrules as bool, _ ByVal withPropertySets as bool, _ ByVal withSecurity as bool, _ ByVal withOwner as bool, _ ByVal withVersions as bool) as XmlNode

C# (declaration)
public XmlNode GetFoldersAndDocuments( 
string AuthenticationTicket, string Path, bool withrules, bool withPropertySets, bool withSecurity, bool withOwner, bool withVersions)


    string infoRouter ticket
    string An infoRouter folder path
    bool to get folder rules with the results
    bool to get property sets with the results
    bool to get access list with the results
    bool to get owner information of the folder with the results
    bool to get version information of the documents with the results

Return Value

returns xml fragment.
<response success="true" error="">
if success attribute is "true", the folder and document list has been retrived successfully.
if success attribute is "false", the error attribute indicates the encountered error.
Sub Nodes indicates subfolders and documents with specified attributes

<response success="true" error="">
  <folder FolderID="10314" Name="Memorandums" Path="\Annoucements\Memorandums" Description="This folder stores all memos" CreationDate="2007-08-06 08:29:45" OwnerName="System Administrator" />
  <document DocumentID="11279" Name="Football Party.pdf" Path="\Annoucements" Description="" UpdateInstructions="" CreationDate="2007-06-14 10:58:13" ModificationDate="2005-11-23 09:15:54" CheckoutDate="" CheckoutBy="" CheckoutByUserName="" Size="104408" Type="Office Document" PercentComplete="0" CompletionDate="" Importance="0" RetentionDate="" DispositionDate="" DocTypeID="0" DocTypeName="" VersionNumber="1000000" />
  <document DocumentID="11280" Name="Hoops.pdf" Path="\Annoucements" Description="" UpdateInstructions="" CreationDate="2007-06-14 10:58:13" ModificationDate="2005-11-23 09:19:58" CheckoutDate="" CheckoutBy="" CheckoutByUserName="" Size="140892" Type="Office Document" PercentComplete="0" CompletionDate="" Importance="0" RetentionDate="" DispositionDate="" DocTypeID="0" DocTypeName="" VersionNumber="1000000" />
  <document DocumentID="11793" Name="Office Party.pdf" Path="\Annoucements" Description="" UpdateInstructions="" CreationDate="2007-08-02 07:13:16" ModificationDate="2007-08-02 07:13:16" CheckoutDate="" CheckoutBy="" CheckoutByUserName="" Size="54556" Type="Office Document" PercentComplete="0" CompletionDate="" Importance="1" RetentionDate="" DispositionDate="" DocTypeID="0" DocTypeName="" VersionNumber="1000000" />
  <document DocumentID="11283" Name="Soccer Tournament.pdf" Path="\Annoucements" Description="" UpdateInstructions="" CreationDate="2007-06-14 10:58:13" ModificationDate="2005-11-23 09:30:42" CheckoutDate="" CheckoutBy="" CheckoutByUserName="" Size="40593" Type="Office Document" PercentComplete="0" CompletionDate="" Importance="0" RetentionDate="" DispositionDate="" DocTypeID="0" DocTypeName="" VersionNumber="1000000" />
  <document DocumentID="11794" Name="Training Annoucement.pdf" Path="\Annoucements" Description="" UpdateInstructions="" CreationDate="2007-08-02 07:13:40" ModificationDate="2007-08-02 07:13:40" CheckoutDate="" CheckoutBy="" CheckoutByUserName="" Size="44171" Type="Office Document" PercentComplete="0" CompletionDate="" Importance="1" RetentionDate="" DispositionDate="" DocTypeID="0" DocTypeName="" VersionNumber="1000000" />


The caller must have at least "List" permission on the folder.